What We Do

The mission of the Green Valley Gardeners shall be to promote gardening education and related environmentally sustainable issues to its membership and the gardening public; and develop community fellowship through gardening and gardening related social activities.

Our Objectives:
  • To develop and continue sustain educational seminars, demonstrations, and projects for the gardening public, including the promotion of the use of arid land plants and the conservation of water.
  • To develop and encourage friendship among gardeners
  • To introduce children to the technique of Southwest gardening, water conservation and the virtues of nature conservation
  • To carry out projects of civic beautification for the benefit of the community.
  • To provide elderly handicapped persons therapeutic opportunities related to gardening.

In addition to maintaining our gardens, we keep busy with these other projects! Hover your mouse over each photo to explore.

Weekly Seminars

Free and open to the public, seminars are scheduled September through April on Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30. These are informal sessions presented by horticulturalists, authors, master gardeners, and growers from throughout the area. Experts are always on hand to answer gardening questions. 

The Annual Garden Tour

A major fundraiser, the tour was begun in 1981 and has become a well-attended community event each April. Tickets are sold for self-guided tours of several carefully selected gardens in our area. See “Events” for information.

Historic Hacienda de la Cañoa Ranch

Owned by Pima County Parks and Recreation and maintained and improved by GVG volunteers on regularly scheduled work days.

Plant Sales

Plant sales occur Biannually in the spring and fall as well as on an ongoing basis at Desert Meadows Park.

Community Education

Seminars, Workshops, Tours & Field Trips, Onsite Gardening Experience and Guidance.

Plant Rescue

Remodeling your yard and would like someone to remove existing plants you won’t be replanting? We can help!